
Healthcare Job Search Sites

By Topic: Career Resources By Collection: Blog

The unprecedented events caused by COVID-19 have generated a lot of uncertainty within the job market, especially in healthcare. Fortunately, many organizations that have shifted to a virtual working environment are using more innovative ways to hire new staff while following social distancing guidelines.

During these times, remember to be persistent but patient, accessible but adaptable. Above all, remember to be compassionate. Below is the Career Resource Center’s three-point plan for job searching during a pandemic:

  1. Update Your Resume and Skills
    You will need to update your resume, your LinkedIn profile and cover letter. Then, use ACHE’s virtual resources to learn new skills. ACHE’s Career Resource Center offers a webinar library with a variety of presentations to help you create a winning resume and LinkedIn profile, and excel in your interview.

    While you plan for your virtual interview, spend some time polishing your presentation skills. Review these tips when your interview is conducted via telephone or video conference. The BBC and CNBC have both recently published articles to provide more information on virtual interview techniques.
  • Prospect Connections and Opportunities
    While we are following social distancing guidelines, it is still important to grow and reach out to your network and stay connected. According to one Payscale article, “Some experts say that 70 percent of people ended up in their current position thanks to networking. Others say it’s more like 80 percent or even 85 percent.”

Explore recruiter partnerships, search through job sites and research opportunities. Remember, ACHE members have access to the Membership Directory.

  • Brand Yourself
    This is a great time to work on you. Reassess your career goals, make adjustments to your overall career plan and check out this webinar on how to build your brand. Navigate the healthcare marketplace with ACHE CareerEDGE®, a comprehensive, self-guided and interactive career planning tool that is a complimentary benefit for ACHE members. (Not a member? Join today.) CareerEDGE provides an opportunity for self-assessment and direction toward short-term and long-term goals.

ACHE’s Career Resource Center has been creating complimentary webinars for students and early careerists. However, leaders at every career stage can learn job interviewing skills, how to give your resume a competitive edge and how to leverage your LinkedIn profile.

Now more than ever, it is important to stay connected with your professional society as a trusted partner and resource.

Gina T. LaMantia is director, Career Resource Center, ACHE, and an ACHE Member.