
End the Summer With a Good Book

By Topic: Delivery of Care Leadership Workforce By Collection: Blog


Explore this month’s selections for our “What’s On Your Bookshelf?” series from Health Administration Press, the publishing division of the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. As one of the largest publishers in the field of healthcare management, we have titles for healthcare professionals at every stage of their career. Check them out today.

Healthcare Leadership and Rural Communities: Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions

Healthcare Leadership and Rural Communities 

Leaders of rural healthcare organizations confront unique challenges. Payment systems, power dynamics, labor availability and accessible resources differ considerably between rural and urban areas.

Healthcare Leadership and Rural Communities: Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions outlines what it takes to manage care in a rural community and provides advice on overcoming the common challenges that healthcare executives confront. The authors provide candid insights gained from their experience as rural healthcare managers and their work with leaders in the field.

Published in collaboration with the National Rural Health Association, the book covers topics including measuring and managing rural care quality, financing and funding rural healthcare, meeting demand for mental and behavioral health services, recognizing and addressing rural health inequity, and responding to the rural healthcare crisis.

Case studies provide an excellent starting point for discussions with healthcare teams, boards, providers and local leaders on how to solve real-life difficulties and enhance cooperation.

All healthcare organizations are linked to their communities, but rural providers have particularly strong ties. This book emphasizes the need for collaboration to safeguard the futures of organizations and their communities.

Reigniting Employee Engagement: A Guide to Rediscovering Purpose and Meaning in Healthcare

Reigniting Employee Engagement 

(Winner of the 2023 James A. Hamilton Award for book of the year.)

Many organizations know employee engagement is essential to success, but few approach it in the right way. Bonuses, thank-you notes, employee-of-the-month awards and similar initiatives may produce temporary boosts in morale but do not build a long-term culture of true engagement.

Reigniting Employee Engagement: A Guide to Rediscovering Purpose and Meaning in Healthcare presents a simple model for creating sustainable employee engagement. Rising caregiver burnout is an especially critical issue, and this book provides a method for refocusing on basic human needs to reenergize the healthcare workforce.

Author Tom Atchison explores the psychology of why and how people commit to their work while debunking many myths, such as money being the best motivator. Each chapter features an interview with a successful healthcare executive who offers perspective and advice on how best to approach employee engagement. These “performance profiles” allow readers to see how the book’s model applies to real-world scenarios in healthcare.

Dyad Leadership and Clinical Integration: Driving Change, Aligning Strategies

Dyad Leadership and Clinical Integration 

Sometimes, real leadership is about balance. This book breaks new ground in dyad leadership, giving you the tools you need now to establish and sustain exceptional partnerships between physicians and administrators.

You will learn practical strategies based on a proven integrated framework. With this method as a starting point, dyad leaders can group and differentiate roles and competencies to increase quality of care, cut costs and improve the patient experience.

The author synthesizes the expertise of academics, journalists and practitioners with assessments and concepts drawn from psychology, communications, organizational theory and management literature. The results are practical, ready-to-use surveys and data analysis techniques for assessing the sweet spots and weak spots of current and potential dyads and the institutions they lead.