5 Questions With ACHE’s Postgraduate Fellow, Janan Apple

Janan Apple

By Topic: Leadership Leadership Development


Janan Apple

Meet Janan Apple, one of ACHE’s 2023–2024 Stuart A. Westbury Jr. Postgraduate Fellows. She earned her Master of Health Administration in 2023 from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Get to know her in the Q&A below.

How did you become interested in healthcare management?

Growing up we go through many career aspirations, from being a princess to a race car driver or even a doctor. These aspirations are always something I thought about, and looking back, I never knew a career in healthcare management was even an option. I always knew I wanted to serve others and be an advocate for those around me; I just didn’t know what that looked like for my future. Starting a career in healthcare management was never a clear path and one that I struggled to find at the beginning of my undergraduate studies.

After failed attempts at multiple undecided majors, “Healthcare Administration and Policy” caught my eye after glancing through a health sciences program catalog. I had no idea what the major was, but I confidently declared it mine and enrolled in my first class, HCA 175. This class challenged me and made me think outside the box. It made me feel angry for the broken system our country is in but hopeful for the change that healthcare workers were making. Healthcare is so complex, and throughout my undergraduate courses and entry-level positions in healthcare organizations, I have grown a passion for healthcare leadership and the advocacy that consumes it. Driving change is what interested me in pursuing my master’s degree in healthcare administration and serving as an administrative fellow at ACHE.

Why did you join ACHE, and how did you engage with the organization as a student?

Toward the end of my undergraduate program, my internship course began and joining ACHE as a Student Associate was one of our first required assignments. This unfamiliar task turned out to be one of the best decisions I could have made as an early careerist. At the beginning of my membership, I was really intimidated to be in the same room with senior executives and other strong healthcare leaders who served at different organizations throughout the Las Vegas valley. Being able to interact and bounce ideas off some of the most influential leaders in our community was not something I took lightly.

It wasn’t until the start of my graduate career that I really dove into the community that ACHE is. While at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, I served on the board and became president of the Healthcare Administration Student Association. This position connected me in so many ways with my local ACHE—Nevada Chapter. I was able to serve on the board as the Student Representative and as the co-chair of the Membership Committee. This really ignited my love for ACHE as I joined more committees and tried to never miss an event. I was also paired with a mentor who challenged me and to this day is a great sounding board. The organization really helped me flourish as a young leader. The chapter helped me grow professionally but, even more, it grew me personally.

Why did you want to serve as the Stuart A. Wesbury Jr. Postgraduate Fellow? Describe the opportunities you have had.

Being involved in extracurricular activities as well as having a love for my major, I was unsure how I could pair both into something I could potentially do as a career. While looking through the ACHE Fellowship Directory, I came across the Stuart A. Wesbury Jr. Postgraduate Fellowship and was super excited to apply. I really had no idea what a nontraditional fellowship was going to look like, but it has exceeded my expectations, as I am able to pair the impact of being an ACHE member with serving those around me within the healthcare field.

As an administrative fellow, I have been given so many opportunities. The staff at ACHE provides me with a safe space to bring my ideas and proposed initiatives to life. They give me room to speak and invite me to implement projects. I work with all different parts of the organization and in multidisciplinary teams to complete projects. Having a rotation-based schedule has helped me understand which areas of the organization I align with and see myself working in for my career ahead. Working with the Membership team has been a highlight as I am able to be a voice for members starting their careers. I am only halfway through my fellowship, and I can’t wait to see what the other half holds.

What are your career goals, and how will you stay involved in ACHE?

With my fellowship being in an association setting, I am grateful that I am exposed to what a job in healthcare can look like through this lens. Before my fellowship, I knew I wanted to work in the compliance space, but now with the exposure to associations, I am confident I’ll find a career in which both advocacy and my professional interests align, whether it is in a traditional healthcare setting or a nontraditional one, like associations. I plan to continue my membership with ACHE and always connect within a local chapter in the state in which I reside. I eventually would like to obtain the FACHE® credential as it shows your dedication to healthcare management and your commitment to changing and improving the field. ACHE has exposed me to such genuine, impactful and wise leaders, and I hope to follow in their footsteps and do the same for generations to come.

What do you like to do to relax and unwind? What are some of your hobbies?

One of my goals in 2023 was to attend a concert at least once every month. Music is one of my favorite things, so attending concerts and music festivals is something that brings me to life. When I am not at an event, I like to charge my battery by finding new coffee shops in my area. It’s a great way for me to unwind, sometimes catch up with friends and also grab a good cup of joe. Watching reality TV is also something I enjoy as it’s a good escape. Being a healthcare leader can be a hard task, so I believe it is important to prioritize my mental health and indulge in self-care days when needed.

Janan Apple is one of ACHE’s 2023–2024 Stuart A. Westbury Jr. Postgraduate Fellows.