Nathan Hurle


Photo of Nathan Hurle
Senior Director of Continuous Improvement
Cleveland Clinic


Nathan Hurle is senior director of continuous improvement at Cleveland Clinic, where he has spent the last 11 years leading a team that has progressed from individual accolades to system-wide enthusiasm for continuous improvement. His team's progress has been chronicled by Jim P. Womack, chair of the Lean Enterprise Institute; Mark Graban, process improvement author/consultant; the Association for Manufacturing Excellence, and Catalysis, among others. With over 20 years of process improvement experience, Mr. Hurle began his career at Eastman Kodak, leading improvement efforts across the organization in the areas of film sensitizing, photochemicals, film finishing and at customer sites including diagnostic imaging departments. During his time with Kodak, he learned Lean concepts and tools from Shingijitsu Consulting Group, masters in Lean thinking.