Clearwater Beach Cluster 2020

Seminar Lineup

Choose from seven two-day seminars in Session 1 and Session 2. Cluster attendees can register for one or both sessions. Earn 12 ACHE Face-to-Face Education credits for each seminar. As a courtesy to other attendees and to keep the integrity of the ACHE Face-to-Face Education credit, your attendance at the entire program is required.
  • SESSION 1 January 27-28, 2020
  • SESSION 2 January 29-30, 2020
07:00 AM 01:30 PM

Achieving Speed, Spread, Scalability and Sustainability for Health Systems

Value-based reform, ACO and bundled payment initiatives and mandates to collaborate with physicians have elevated the need for innovative health system design. Now more than ever, unique and strategic collaborative partnerships, leadership development and aggressive margin improvement are crucial for health system success. This seminar is an action planning forum for C-suite leaders to explore solutions to emerging issues brought about by a changing healthcare environment.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Nine high-leverage margin improvement focus areas and over 40 specific projects found among top-performing healthcare organizations
  • Effective standardization approaches, including the pros and cons of centralization vs. decentralization as practiced by leading not-for-profit and for-profit health systems
  • Four alternative clinical co-management and physician integration structures found in the field and pros and cons of which works best
  • Approaches for developing leaders across the organization that will optimize total change capacity by getting “everyone in the game” to accelerate margin improvement, patient experience, and other critical strategies
  • Post-acute care and early intervention strategies for achieving full ACO-level and bundled payment quality and efficiency

Who Should Attend:

CEOs and other C-suite leaders of health systems, hospitals, outpatient surgery centers and diagnostic/therapeutic facilities, skilled nursing facilities and long-term rehabilitation facilities.

Presented by:

07:00 AM 01:30 PM

Achieving a Sustainable Transformation to Operational Excellence

With the myriad changes taking place within the healthcare industry, executives face a number of challenges. To address these challenges and deliver higher value to patients, many organizations have adopted Lean methods. This seminar is for executives who are dedicated to practicing and sustaining operational excellence through the application of Lean principles in their organizations. Faculty will challenge attendees to reflect upon current operational processes and shed long-held beliefs about management styles. Participants will obtain and understand how to effectively apply Lean tools, including Leader Standard Work, Visual Management, the Lean Six Sigma Scorecard and a daily status report.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Hone the coaching skills necessary to achieve results through frontline employees.
  • Define the critical components of a comprehensive management system.
  • Understand the importance of the role an organization’s management systems play in achieving sustainable accountability and results.

Who Should Attend:

CEOs, CMOs, CNOs, COOs, CFOs, and other senior-level healthcare executives, physician leaders and department directors.

Presented By:

07:00 AM 01:30 PM

The Courage to Lead: Critical Skills for Healthcare Leaders

Leadership to achieve extraordinary results requires the ability to master five practices proven through research as necessary and sufficient requirements for great success. This seminar will focus on the five practices identified as critical to organizational success. Great leadership creates great workplaces, and this seminar will address how these five practices enable the leader to accomplish the extraordinary. Attendees will also be given an innovative leadership toolbox designed to help them master the activities and functions leaders who accomplish the extraordinary do every day.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Use proven tools and techniques to identify and develop your leadership philosophy.
  • Improve your leadership skills, even if you have little formal authority.
  • Increase your influence and effectiveness by becoming a quiet but strong leader.
  • Practice ways to recognize and reward employee contributions and build a winning team.

Who Should Attend:

Healthcare leaders at all levels of their careers.

Presented by:

Jody R. Rogers, PhD, LFACHE, Visiting Professor, Trinity University

07:00 AM 01:30 PM

Achieving Superior Outcomes Through Executive-Physician Partnerships

A successful partnership between physicians and executives can be gained when both sides focus on the hard organizational realities and practice soft-skill strategies for building trust. In this seminar, attendees will learn ways to reconcile the business objectives of healthcare with the transcendent values at the heart of clinical care for your organization. Participants also will learn clear communication tactics that can eliminate false operating assumptions and beliefs, leading to a better understanding between physicians and executives that will result in achieving your business objectives.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Discuss the facts and fiction of the current market changes including clinical needs, revenue sources and population health management
  • Develop and implement successful strategies for leading and managing change and building trust
  • Examine the importance of and differences in corporate culture and physician culture
  • Understand how to create strong relationships as the cornerstone to sustainable partnerships

Who Should Attend:

CEOs, board members, physician, physician assistants and nurse practitioner leaders and other senior executives.

Presented by:

07:00 AM 01:30 PM

Breakthrough Physician Alignment: Creating a Win-Win for Optimizing Organizational Performance

Healthcare leaders know the importance of developing and maintaining strong relationships with their medical staff to support their mission and goals. Misalignment from the prevailing volume-based reimbursement causes wide clinical practice variation and overuse, contributing to rising costs and thinning margins. Finding the right approach among the numerous models, incentive structures and confounding regulations is a strategic imperative that can affect medical staff relations—and organizational performance. During this seminar, uncover the actionable research-based approaches to engaging physicians and aligning their interests with your organization’s strategic and financial goals while working toward a more clinically integrated environment. Before the seminar, participants will complete a brief assessment to begin identifying alignment opportunities. During the seminar, faculty will uncover shared best practices to guide participants’ development of a tailored blueprint to take back to their organizations for high-affinity physician engagement, tighter alignment and improved organizational performance.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Explore the impact of physician-hospital relations on organizational performance and leadership effectiveness. 
  • Develop an individualized physician-hospital alignment plan.
  • Assess and apply personal leadership competencies needed for effective physician-hospital alignment.

Who Should Attend:

Senior-level health system, hospital and group practice executives with responsibility for physician engagement, alignment and integration, including C-suite executives, service line leaders, medical directors and group practice administrators.

Presented by:

07:00 AM 01:30 PM

Improving the Patient Experience to Build Customer Loyalty

Explore proven continuous improvement methodologies that result in improved patient survey results and ultimately in a profitable strategy.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Dissect experiences from the patients' perspective in ways that elevate clinical excellence, patient satisfaction and business results
  • Learn best practices in customer/patient satisfaction from organizations within and outside of healthcare
  • Explore the new role of "chief experience officer" (CXO), and how this role can succeed in your organization
  • Understand the benefits for organizations that have "experience management" executives in the C suite and the global-to-local impact these executives have throughout their respective health systems
  • Understand how to leverage the “ownership” of the patient experience

Who Should Attend:

CEOs, COOs, CNOs, Vice presidents and executives interested in transforming culture to drive the ideal patient experience.

Presented by:

  • Jake M. Poore, President & CEO, Integrated Loyalty Systems, Inc

07:00 AM 01:30 PM

Professional Burnout in Healthcare: Lead Your Organization to Wellness

Approximately one out of every three physicians is experiencing professional burnout at any given time. Equally troubling, burnout exists among all healthcare professionals and is on the rise. With staff burnout linked to multiple problems in healthcare organizations—lower care quality, lower patient satisfaction, higher medical error rate, high turnover rate and, sadly, suicide among healthcare workers—the stakes are high for leaders to make staff wellness a priority. Yet, most healthcare leaders frequently fail to acknowledge and address this serious issue. Even when leaders recognize this as a problem, they are often presented with confusing information or get-better-quick solutions that bring no lasting change and can sometimes increase cynicism among employees. During this two-day seminar, participants will learn how to recognize burnout and will explore a simple and practical framework to improve overall staff wellness.

While presenting and demonstrating the framework, expert faculty will show how healthcare leaders can work collaboratively with clinicians and nonclinicians alike to resolve personal and organizational burnout dynamics. Participants will leave the course with an actionable plan to reverse—or better yet, prevent—burnout in their own organizations and ideas for improving overall wellness strategies.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Understand the difference between burnout and stress, the three main symptoms of burnout and how to recognize it in oneself and others.
  • Develop a plan to reverse and prevent burnout including creating a performance engagement system within the organization.
  • Discover how to target burnout and lead the way for others in your organization to address this critical issue as part of a wellness and performance objective.

Presented by:

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