Las Vegas Cluster 2019


  • Diane Ball


    <div>Diane Ball is a consultant, trainer and group facilitator, currently working for the Baird Consulting Group in Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Her diverse background includes critical care nursing, cardiac rehab nursing, staff and patient education, complimentary therapies, business development, leadership and patient centered care. Ms. Ball was the patient-centered champion at Delnor Hospital in Geneva, Ill., from 2005 to 2010 and successfully implemented the Planetree model of patient-centered care. She consulted for Planetree from 2010 to 2013.</div><div></div>
    Read more about Diane Ball
    About Diane Ball
  • Karyn Baum, MD


    Karyn Baum is professor of medicine, School of Medicine, and adjunct&nbsp;professor, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.&nbsp;She is also vice president, System Clinical Operations, M Health-Fairview, Minneapolis,&nbsp;co-leading the Health Transformation Center. Dr. Baum has a history of leading&nbsp;hospital operations at the University of Minnesota Medical Center in Minneapolis,&nbsp;where she is currently interim vice president, Medical Affairs, overseeing&nbsp;operations, finances and medical leadership. Dr. Baum previously served as the&nbsp;center's executive medical director for Care Transitions and Patient Flow, and associate&nbsp;CMO. A practicing hospitalist, she was the senior consultant, Association of&nbsp;American Medical Colleges, Washington, D.C., directing their Educating for&nbsp;Quality initiatives from 2015-2017.
    Read more about Karyn Baum, MD
    About Karyn Baum, MD
    VP of System Clinical Operations
    M Health-Fairview
  • Jon Burroughs, MD, JD, FACHE


    <p>Jon Burroughs, MD, JD, FACHE is president/CEO of The Burroughs Healthcare Consulting Network, Inc., Glen, New Hampshire, which provides best-practice training and solutions to healthcare systems throughout the United States and beyond. His work focuses on how healthcare systems can adopt best practices and avoid systems failures which can result in loss of public confidence and market share. He works with executive teams, governing boards, medical staff and clinical leadership. He also works with legal counsel to ensure compliance and avoidance of unnecessary risk by demonstrating how leadership can be aligned to achieve exceptional results. Dr. Burroughs serves on the national faculties of both ACHE, where he has been consistently rated as a top speaker, author, educator and facilitator for the past twenty-five years. </p> <!-- <p>Dr. Burroughs serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars: </p> <ul> <li>Leading in a Changing Environment: Focus on Population Health</li> <li>Integrating Quality and Cost in a Pay-for-Value World</li> <li>Optimizing Ambulatory Management for the 21st Century</li> </ul> <p>Dr. Burroughs has also authored the following Health Administration Press publications: </p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="tracking-internal">Redesign the Medical Staff Model: A Guide To A Collaborative Change </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="tracking-internal">Essential Operational Components for High-Performing Healthcare Enterprises</a></li> </ul> -->
    Read more about Jon Burroughs, MD, JD, FACHE
    About Jon Burroughs, MD, JD, FACHE
    President & CEO
    The Burroughs Healthcare Consulting Network, Inc
  • Gregory S. Butler


    <p>Gregory S. Butler is president of Caldwell Butler &amp; Associates, McKinney, Texas, a firm dedicated to improving hospital performance through the implementation of advanced quality methods. With more than 30 years of experience in the healthcare field and a certified Green Belt in Lean-Six Sigma, he is an expert in leading transformational efforts, having worked with hundreds of healthcare organizations to create a culture of action and innovation. Mr. Butler has also held leadership positions in the healthcare provider, service providers and performance improvement firms, including Abbott Laboratories, Owen Healthcare, and VHA / Novation.</p> <p>Mr. Butler serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminar:</p> <ul><li>Proven Strategies and Leadership Methods for Effective Change in Today's Environment</li></ul> Mr. Butler also authored the following Health Administration Press publication: <ul><li><em>What Top-Performing Healthcare Organizations Know: 7 Proven Steps for Accelerating and Achieving Change</em></li></ul>
    Read more about Gregory S. Butler
    About Gregory S. Butler
    Caldwell Butler & Associates LLC
  • Michael E. Frisina, PhD


    <p>Michael E. Frisina, PhD, is founder/CEO of The Frisina Group LLC, Elgin, S.C., and The Center for Influential Leadership. He is an author, educator and consultant specializing in healthcare leadership and performance improvement. He is also an internationally known speaker and the author of <em>Influential Leadership: Change Your Behavior, Change Your Organization, Change Health Care. </em>Dr. Frisina was previously assistant professor at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and assistant professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md. He has held administration positions in both military and civilian healthcare systems at various levels of increasing responsibility.</p> <p>Dr. Frisina serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</p> <ul> <li>Behavior Smarts: Increasing Healthcare Leadership Performance</li> <li>Leading for Success: Creating a Committed Workforce</li> <li>Professional Burnout in Healthcare: Lead Your Organization to Wellness</li> <li>Leading from Your Upper Brain - A Neuroscience Approach to Driving Performance<br /> </li> </ul> <p> Dr. Frisina has also authored the following Health Administration Press publications:</p> <p><a href=""> <em>Leading With Your Upper Brain: How to Create the Behaviors That Unlock Performance Excellence</em> </a></p> <p><a href=""><em>Influential Leadership: Change Your Behavior, Change Your Organization, Change Health Care</em></a></p>
    Read more about Michael E. Frisina, PhD
    About Michael E. Frisina, PhD
    The Frisina Group
  • Drew Harris, DPM


    <div>Drew Harris is an assistant professor and director of the Health Policy and Population Health programs at the Thomas Jefferson University School of Population Health in Philadelphia. His academic interest is in the complex interplay between public health, medical care and public policy. Dr. Harris is a health policy researcher, exploring the impact of vaccine mandate policy on New Jersey vaccination rates. He founded the New Jersey Public Health Institute and served on the executive board of the American Public Health Association.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Dr. Harris serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Leading in a Changing Environment: Focus on Population Health&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about Drew Harris, DPM
    About Drew Harris, DPM
    Jefferson University
  • John M. Harris


    <p><strong></strong></p> <p>John Harris is a director with Veralon, a healthcare management consulting firm in Philadelphia. His work focuses on mergers and acquisitions, strategy and the transition to value-based payment. He leads strategic planning processes and serves as a consultant to health systems and hospitals, accountable care organizations, clinically integrated networks, physician&#8211;hospital organizations and health plans. Mr. Harris is also a frequent speaker for the American Association of Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems, the Healthcare Financial Management Association and other organizations, and is a guest expert on The Wharton School&#8217;s Sirius XM radio station.</p> <div>&nbsp;Mr. Harris serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div> <ul> <li>Advanced Strategic Planning to Transform Your Organization</li> <li>Hospitals and Health Systems of the Future: Transforming to Thrive</li> <li>Strategic Planning: From Formulation to Action</li> </ul> <div>Mr. Harris has also authored the following Health Administration Press publications:</div><div><ul><li><em><u><span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:107%; font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif;Times New Roman&quot;; color:blue;"><a href=""><span style="color:blue">Healthcare Strategic Planning, Fourth Edition</span></a></span></u></em>&nbsp;</li></ul></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div>
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    About John M. Harris
    Managing Director
  • Elizabeth L. Holloway, PhD


    <div>Elizabeth Holloway is a professor in Antioch University&#8217;s PhD Program in Leadership and Change in Healthcare, and a consultant with ZIA Healthcare Consultants. She has more than 25 years of experience as a practitioner, trainer and consultant in relational practice with organizations, groups, trainers and mental health clients. Dr. Holloway has held faculty appointments at the Universities of California and Wisconsin and has led research and practice in the areas of clinical supervision, mentoring, coaching and everyday civility in the workplace.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Dr. Holloway serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Toxic Behaviors in Healthcare: How Everyday Civility Increases Patient Safety and Team Performance&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about Elizabeth L. Holloway, PhD
    About Elizabeth L. Holloway, PhD
    Professor of Psychology
    Antioch University
  • Meredith C. Inniger, FACHE


    <div>Meredith Inniger is a manager with Veralon Partners Inc., in Philadelphia, a national healthcare consulting firm with expertise in strategy, mergers and transactions, clinical transformation and network integration and valuation. Ms. Inniger brings over 10 years of experience in academic and community health system operations to provide focused and actionable strategies for her clients. She advises healthcare leaders on strategic planning for service lines and ambulatory care, with an additional emphasis on strategies for population health. She holds a master&#8217;s degree in health administration and a bachelor&#8217;s degree, both from The Ohio State University.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Ms. Inniger serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Advanced Strategic Planning to Transform Your Organization&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about Meredith C. Inniger, FACHE
    About Meredith C. Inniger, FACHE
  • Amer Kaissi, PhD


    <div> <p>Amer Kaissi, PhD, is an award-winning professor of healthcare administration at Trinity University, a top-15 program. He is the author of the book &#8220;Intangibles: The Unexpected Traits of High-Performing Healthcare Leaders,&#8221; which won the 2019 American College of Healthcare Executives Book of the Year award. </p> <p>Dr. Kaissi joined the faculty of Trinity University in 2003 after earning a PhD in health services administration from the University of Minnesota. At Trinity, Dr. Kaissi teaches courses in leadership, professional development and public speaking and is the director of the Executive Program. His research interests include leadership and strategy. Dr. Kaissi is a national speaker with the Studer Group and a faculty member with ACHE. He is also a certified executive and physician coach. He works with MEDI&#8212;a division of Naavis&#8212;as an executive coach, and he consults with hospitals and healthcare organizations as part of their strategic planning efforts. Dr. Kaissi, an avid soccer fan, lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife and two children.</p> <div>Dr. Kaissi serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminar:</div> </div> <div> <ul> <li>Agility &amp; Resilience in Healthcare Leadership: Key Behaviors for Leading Change</li> </ul> </div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Dr. Kaissi also authored the following Health Administration Press publication:</div> <div> <ul> <li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;line-height: normal"><em><u><span style="font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif;Times New Roman&quot;;color:blue"><a href=""><span style="color:blue">Intangibles: The Unexpected Traits of High-Performing Healthcare Leaders</span></a></span></u></em></p> <br /> </li> </ul> </div>
    Read more about Amer Kaissi, PhD
    About Amer Kaissi, PhD
    Professor, Healthcare Administration
    Trinity University
  • J. Alan Kent, DHA, LFACHE


    <p>J. Alan Kent, DHA, FACHE is president/CEO of Meadows Regional Medical Center in Vidalia, Ga. In that role since 2000, he has overseen the building of a replacement hospital and a comprehensive cancer center, as well as staff growth from under 400 to over 1,000, and revenue growth from $46 million to over $500 million. Mr. Kent also serves as adjunct faculty of the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health (Georgia Southern University), and is on the boards of the Georgia Hospital Association, Georgia Alliance of Community Hospitals and Southeastern Technical College. Previously, he was COO or CEO at various hospitals across six states, and consultant to physician practices and other organizations.</p><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Mr. Kent serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminar:</div><div><ul><li>Proven Strategies and Leadership Methods for Effectively Leading Change in Today&#8217;s Environment&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about J. Alan Kent, DHA, LFACHE
    About J. Alan Kent, DHA, LFACHE
  • Mitchell E. Kusy, PhD


    <div>Mitchell Kusy is a professor in the Graduate School of Leadership and Change at Antioch University in Minneapolis. A 2005 Fulbright scholar in organization development, Dr. Kusy has served as a consultant and keynote speaker for hundreds of organizations, both nationally and internationally. He helps create work cultures of respectful engagement that impact individual, team and bottom line performance. Previously, Dr. Kusy headed leadership and organization development at HealthPartners and American Express. His latest book is Why I Don't Work Here Anymore: A Leader&#8217;s Guide to Offset the Financial and Emotional Costs of Toxic Employees. He has co-authored five books on leadership and dozens of articles related to healthcare leadership.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Dr. Kusy serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Toxic Behaviors in Healthcare: How Everyday Civility Increases Patient Safety and Team Performance&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about Mitchell E. Kusy, PhD
    About Mitchell E. Kusy, PhD
    Professor, Graduate School of Leadership and Change
    Antioch University
  • Christopher L. Laubach


    <div>Chris Laubach is president of the Center for Management Programs, a training and consulting firm based in Agoura Hills, Calif., which provides educational programs to healthcare industry organizations. An educator and consultant for more than 20 years, Mr. Laubach is a frequent lecturer and teacher on negotiation. He also has written numerous publications, including the book Mastering the Negotiation Process: A Practical Guide for the Healthcare Executive.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Mr. Laubach serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminar:</div><div><ul><li>Process and Technique of Negotiating</li></ul></div><div>&nbsp;</div>
    Read more about Christopher L. Laubach
    About Christopher L. Laubach
    Center for Management Programs
  • Mary-Ellen Piche, LFACHE


    <p>Mary-Ellen Pich&#232; is a consultant who provides services to healthcare organizations to include organizational assessment/development, patient experience improvement, and staff/patient engagement. Previously she was a consultant with Planetree Inc. in Derby, Conn., and CEO at the Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany, N.Y., where she participated in national crisis leadership and new employee orientation initiatives.</p> <p>Ms. Pich&#232; serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</p> <ul> <li>Leading for Change: Creating a Humanistic Approach for Patient, Family and Staff Engagement</li> </ul><div></div><div>Books published by Health Administration Press:</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><em><a href="">The Patient&#8217;s Primary Care Experience: A Road Map to Powerful Partnerships&nbsp;</a></em></div>
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    About Mary-Ellen Piche, LFACHE
  • Ted C. Ritter


    <div>Ted Ritter is president of Ritter Project Management Inc. in Bellingham, Wash. He has provided project and/or construction management services on major construction projects in the healthcare, hospitality, commercial and industrial fields and has extensive experience as an expert witness in construction claims cases. Mr. Ritter taught construction management for three years in the architecture school at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Mr. Ritter serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Managing Healthcare Facility Design and Construction Programs&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about Ted C. Ritter
    About Ted C. Ritter
    Ritter Project Management, Inc.