New York Cluster 2019


  • Jim Austin


    <div>Jim Austin<strong>&nbsp;</strong>heads JH Austin Associates Inc., Chicago, where he combines business strategy and organizational development theory with extensive industry experience to guide organizations. He is also an adjunct senior lecturer at Brown University, Providence, R.H., in the Executive Master of Healthcare Leadership program, and a faculty member at Duke Corporate Education, headquartered in Durham, N.C. Mr. Austin is a lecturer/consultant at the Aresty Institute of Executive Education in the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, where he tailors and delivers senior-level seminars on strategy, strategic execution, scenario planning and critical thinking at a number of leading companies. Mr. Austin is a former senior&nbsp;executive at Baxter Healthcare.&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Mr. Austin serves&nbsp;as faculty for the following ACHE seminar:</div> <ul> <li>Leading&nbsp;Strategic Change</li> </ul> Mr. Austin also authored the following Health Administration Press publications:<br /> <ul> <li><em><a href="">Transformative&nbsp;Planning: How Your Healthcare Organization Can Strategize for an Uncertain&nbsp;Future</a></em></li> </ul>
    Read more about Jim Austin
    About Jim Austin
    Adjunct Assistant Professor
    Brown University, MHL
  • Diane Ball


    <div>Diane Ball is a consultant, trainer and group facilitator, currently working for the Baird Consulting Group in Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Her diverse background includes critical care nursing, cardiac rehab nursing, staff and patient education, complimentary therapies, business development, leadership and patient centered care. Ms. Ball was the patient-centered champion at Delnor Hospital in Geneva, Ill., from 2005 to 2010 and successfully implemented the Planetree model of patient-centered care. She consulted for Planetree from 2010 to 2013.</div><div></div>
    Read more about Diane Ball
    About Diane Ball
  • Jon Burroughs, MD, JD, FACHE


    <p>Jon Burroughs, MD, JD, FACHE is president/CEO of The Burroughs Healthcare Consulting Network, Inc., Glen, New Hampshire, which provides best-practice training and solutions to healthcare systems throughout the United States and beyond. His work focuses on how healthcare systems can adopt best practices and avoid systems failures which can result in loss of public confidence and market share. He works with executive teams, governing boards, medical staff and clinical leadership. He also works with legal counsel to ensure compliance and avoidance of unnecessary risk by demonstrating how leadership can be aligned to achieve exceptional results. Dr. Burroughs serves on the national faculties of both ACHE, where he has been consistently rated as a top speaker, author, educator and facilitator for the past twenty-five years. </p> <!-- <p>Dr. Burroughs serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars: </p> <ul> <li>Leading in a Changing Environment: Focus on Population Health</li> <li>Integrating Quality and Cost in a Pay-for-Value World</li> <li>Optimizing Ambulatory Management for the 21st Century</li> </ul> <p>Dr. Burroughs has also authored the following Health Administration Press publications: </p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="tracking-internal">Redesign the Medical Staff Model: A Guide To A Collaborative Change </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="tracking-internal">Essential Operational Components for High-Performing Healthcare Enterprises</a></li> </ul> -->
    Read more about Jon Burroughs, MD, JD, FACHE
    About Jon Burroughs, MD, JD, FACHE
    President & CEO
    The Burroughs Healthcare Consulting Network, Inc
  • Carson F. Dye, FACHE


    <strong></strong><div><strong>Carson F. Dye, FACHE,</strong> president and CEO of Exceptional Leadership LLC, is a seasoned consultant with more than 40 years of leadership and management experience. He has served as an executive search consultant and partner with Witt/Kieffer, TMP Worldwide, and LAI/Lamalie Associates. Prior to these roles, he was partner and director of Findley Davies&#8217;s healthcare consulting division in Toledo, Ohio. He has 20 years of experience in healthcare administration, serving in executive-level positions at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center in Toledo, the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Clermont Mercy Hospital in Cincinnati, and Cincinnati Children&#8217;s Hospital Medical Center.<br /><br />Dye has been a regular faculty member for the American College of Healthcare Executives since 1987 and has presented workshops for 40 state and local hospital associations. He has written 10 other books, all published by Health Administration Press, including three James A. Hamilton Book of the Year Award winners: <em>The Healthcare Leader&#8217;s Guide to Actions, Awareness, and Perception</em>; <em>Developing Physician Leaders for Successful Clinical Integration</em>; and <em>Leadership in Healthcare: Values at the Top</em>. Other notable titles include <em>Exceptional Leadership: 16 Critical Competencies for Healthcare Executives</em> and <em>Winning the Talent War: Ensuring Effective Leadership in Healthcare</em>. Dye received his BA from Marietta College and his MBA from Xavier University.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Mr. Dye serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>The Art and Principles of Physician Leadership and Engagement</li><li>Practical Leadership Strategies in the Age of Change</li><li>Human Resources, Board of Governors Exam Review Course&nbsp;</li><li>Exceptional Leadership Online Seminar<br /></li><li>Developing Physician Leaders for Clinical Integration Online Seminar<br /></li></ul><div>Mr. Dye has also authored the following Health Administration Press publications:&nbsp;</div><div><ul><li><em><u><span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:107%; font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif;Times New Roman&quot;; color:blue;"><span style="color:blue"><a href="">Developing Physician Leaders for Successful Clinical Integration&nbsp;</a></span></span></u></em></li><li><em><u><span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:107%; font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif;Times New Roman&quot;; color:blue;"><a href="" title="Enhanced Physician Engagement: What It Is, Why You Need It, and Where to Begin, Volume 1">Enhanced Physician Engagement: What It Is, Why You Need It, and Where to Begin, Volume 1</a><br /></span></u></em></li><li><em><u><a href="">Enhanced Physician Engagement: Tools and Tactics for Success, Volume 2</a><br /></u></em></li><li><em><u><span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:107%; font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif;Times New Roman&quot;; color:blue;"><span style="color:blue"><a href="">Exceptional Leadership: 16 Critical Competencies for Healthcare Executives, Second Edition</a></span></span></u></em></li><li><em><u><span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:107%; font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif;Times New Roman&quot;; color:blue;"><span style="color:blue"><a href="">Leadership in Healthcare: Essential Values and Skills, Third Edition</a></span></span></u></em></li><li><em><u><span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:107%; font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif;Times New Roman&quot;; color:blue;"><span style="color:blue"><a href="">The Healthcare Leader&#8217;s Guide to Actions, Awareness, and Perception, Third Edition</a></span></span></u></em></li></ul></div></div> <quillbot-extension-portal></quillbot-extension-portal> <quillbot-extension-portal></quillbot-extension-portal> <quillbot-extension-portal></quillbot-extension-portal>
    Read more about Carson F. Dye, FACHE
    About Carson F. Dye, FACHE
    President & CEO
    Exceptional Leadership LLC
  • Michael E. Frisina, PhD


    <p>Michael E. Frisina, PhD, is founder/CEO of The Frisina Group LLC, Elgin, S.C., and The Center for Influential Leadership. He is an author, educator and consultant specializing in healthcare leadership and performance improvement. He is also an internationally known speaker and the author of <em>Influential Leadership: Change Your Behavior, Change Your Organization, Change Health Care. </em>Dr. Frisina was previously assistant professor at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and assistant professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md. He has held administration positions in both military and civilian healthcare systems at various levels of increasing responsibility.</p> <p>Dr. Frisina serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</p> <ul> <li>Behavior Smarts: Increasing Healthcare Leadership Performance</li> <li>Leading for Success: Creating a Committed Workforce</li> <li>Professional Burnout in Healthcare: Lead Your Organization to Wellness</li> <li>Leading from Your Upper Brain - A Neuroscience Approach to Driving Performance<br /> </li> </ul> <p> Dr. Frisina has also authored the following Health Administration Press publications:</p> <p><a href=""> <em>Leading With Your Upper Brain: How to Create the Behaviors That Unlock Performance Excellence</em> </a></p> <p><a href=""><em>Influential Leadership: Change Your Behavior, Change Your Organization, Change Health Care</em></a></p>
    Read more about Michael E. Frisina, PhD
    About Michael E. Frisina, PhD
    The Frisina Group
  • Howard J. Gershon, LFACHE


    <div>Howard Gershon, founding principal, New Heights Group, Santa Fe, N.M., has spent more than 35 years working with boards and senior managers on strategic planning, market research and organization, facility and program/service development initiatives. He has lead efforts to implement service lines for behavioral healthcare and other clinical areas. Mr. Gershon&#8217;s national client base has included nonprofit healthcare providers, state, local and federal government agencies and publicly held corporations. He has spoken at many national conferences and has served as the ACHE Regent for New Mexico.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Mr. Gershon serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Behavioral Health Challenges, Strategies and Solutions: The Business Case for Meeting Community Needs</li></ul></div>
    Read more about Howard J. Gershon, LFACHE
    About Howard J. Gershon, LFACHE
    Founding Principal
    New Heights Group
  • John M. Harris


    <p><strong></strong></p> <p>John Harris is a director with Veralon, a healthcare management consulting firm in Philadelphia. His work focuses on mergers and acquisitions, strategy and the transition to value-based payment. He leads strategic planning processes and serves as a consultant to health systems and hospitals, accountable care organizations, clinically integrated networks, physician&#8211;hospital organizations and health plans. Mr. Harris is also a frequent speaker for the American Association of Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems, the Healthcare Financial Management Association and other organizations, and is a guest expert on The Wharton School&#8217;s Sirius XM radio station.</p> <div>&nbsp;Mr. Harris serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div> <ul> <li>Advanced Strategic Planning to Transform Your Organization</li> <li>Hospitals and Health Systems of the Future: Transforming to Thrive</li> <li>Strategic Planning: From Formulation to Action</li> </ul> <div>Mr. Harris has also authored the following Health Administration Press publications:</div><div><ul><li><em><u><span style="font-size:11.0pt;line-height:107%; font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif;Times New Roman&quot;; color:blue;"><a href=""><span style="color:blue">Healthcare Strategic Planning, Fourth Edition</span></a></span></u></em>&nbsp;</li></ul></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div>
    Read more about John M. Harris
    About John M. Harris
    Managing Director
  • Stephen M. Merz, FACHE


    <div></div><p><span style="font-size: 13.5pt;"></span></p><div id="pastingspan1"></div><div id="pastingspan1">Stephen M. Merz, FACHE, is COO of Sheppard Pratt Solutions, a division of Sheppard Pratt, one of the largest behavioral healthcare organizations in the nation. Stephen&#8217;s career spans nearly 30 years and includes roles as interim president/CEO and executive vice president, operations, Diamond Healthcare; president/CEO, Maine Behavioral Healthcare; and vice president/ executive director of behavioral health at Yale New Haven Hospital.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div id="pastingspan1">Stephen&#8217;s work focuses on integrating behavioral healthcare into the overall healthcare system, including establishing alternatives to acute care settings, developing novel approaches for chronic conditions such as depression and ensuring behavioral healthcare services are financially strong.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div id="pastingspan1">Stephen has served on national and regional boards, including the National Association of Behavioral Healthcare. He served as chair of the Behavioral Healthcare Councils of the Maine and Connecticut Hospital Associations, and served as Regent for Connecticut of ACHE. Stephen has a master&#8217;s degree in health services administration from the University of Michigan School of Public Health and a bachelor&#8217;s degree from Cornell University. He is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Mr. Merz serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminar:&nbsp;</div><div><ul><li>Behavioral Health Challenges, Strategies and Solutions: The Business Case for Meeting Community Needs&nbsp;</li></ul></div><div></div><p style="0in;.0001pt"><span style="font-size:13.5pt;115%;&quot;Times New Roman&quot;"></span></p>
    Read more about Stephen M. Merz, FACHE
    About Stephen M. Merz, FACHE
    Sheppard Pratt
  • Stacy D. Nelson, EdD


    <div>Stacy Nelson is president of Leadership Influence LLC. He is also part of the VitalSmarts faculty in Provo, Utah. Dr. Nelson delivers &#8220;Crucial Conversations,&#8221; &#8220;Crucial Accountability,&#8221; &#8220;Influencer,&#8221; &#8220;Getting Things Done&#8221; and &#8220;The Power of Habit&#8221; trainings to organizations across the globe. A recipient of the Zapara award for excellence in teaching, Dr. Nelson consistently receives accolades for his charismatic presentation style and highly effective training design. He is also considered an expert in the VitalSmarts research healthcare studies Silence Kills: The Seven Crucial Conversations for Healthcare and The Silent Treatment. Specializing in healthcare and leadership, Dr. Nelson helps individuals, teams and organizations increase organizational effectiveness, achieve bottom-line results and become measurably more vital.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Dr. Nelson serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars: </div> <ul> <li>Managing Conflict, Accountability Conversations and Disputes</li> </ul>
    Read more about Stacy D. Nelson, EdD
    About Stacy D. Nelson, EdD
    Senior Master Trainer
    Leadership Influence, LLC
  • Mary-Ellen Piche, LFACHE


    <p>Mary-Ellen Pich&#232; is a consultant who provides services to healthcare organizations to include organizational assessment/development, patient experience improvement, and staff/patient engagement. Previously she was a consultant with Planetree Inc. in Derby, Conn., and CEO at the Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany, N.Y., where she participated in national crisis leadership and new employee orientation initiatives.</p> <p>Ms. Pich&#232; serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</p> <ul> <li>Leading for Change: Creating a Humanistic Approach for Patient, Family and Staff Engagement</li> </ul><div></div><div>Books published by Health Administration Press:</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><em><a href="">The Patient&#8217;s Primary Care Experience: A Road Map to Powerful Partnerships&nbsp;</a></em></div>
    Read more about Mary-Ellen Piche, LFACHE
    About Mary-Ellen Piche, LFACHE
  • Richard J. Priore, ScD, FACHE


    <div></div><p><span style="font-size: 13.5pt;">Richard Priore</span><span style="font-size: 13.5pt;">, ScD, FACHE,</span><span style="font-size: 13.5pt;">&nbsp;is president/CEO, Excelsior HealthCare Group, St. Paul, Minn. Excelsior is an outcomes-driven healthcare management consulting firm specializing in the assessment, execution and speed of measurable results in improving organizational performance. Dr. Priore is also a Distinguished Service Professor at St. Paul's University of St. Thomas, also in St. Paul, teaching graduate economics and management courses. He has served as the CEO for several investor-owned hospitals and as a hospital turnaround expert and managing director for the Hunter Group.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:13.5pt">Dr. Priore serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</span></p> <ul style="0in" type="disc"> <li><span style="font-size: 18px;">Breakthrough Physician Alignment: Creating a Win-Win for Optimizing Organizational Performance</span></li> <li><span style="font-size:13.5pt">Integrating Quality and Cost in a Pay-for-Value Era&nbsp;</span></li><li><span style="font-size:13.5pt">Direct Contracting with Employer Groups: What Healthcare Leaders Should Know</span></li><li><span style="font-size:13.5pt">Making the Business Case for Quality<br /></span></li></ul>
    Read more about Richard J. Priore, ScD, FACHE
    About Richard J. Priore, ScD, FACHE
    Associate Professor
    Tulane University - - New Orleans, LA
  • Michael Rovinsky


    <div>Michael Rovinsky is director, Veralon, Atlanta, and a healthcare strategy and business development consultant with more than 30 years of experience assisting community hospitals, health systems, physician groups and ambulatory and post-acute care healthcare organizations. Mr. Rovinsky has facilitated numerous strategic planning processes for a wide range of healthcare organizations. He earned an MBA in healthcare management from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor&#8217;s degree from the University of Pennsylvania.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Mr. Rovinsky serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Strategic Planning: From Formulation to Action&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about Michael Rovinsky
    About Michael Rovinsky
    Associate Principal
    Perkins & Will
  • M. Michael Shabot, MD


    <div>M. Michael Shabot, MD, is a founding partner of Relia Healthcare Advisors, which provides services in the areas of high reliability safety and quality, executive leadership development, organizational culture assessment, medical staff governance and implementation of the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Framework. Dr. Shabot previously served as executive vice president and system chief clinical officer of Memorial Hermann Health System in Houston.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Under Dr. Shabot&#8217;s leadership, Memorial Hermann embarked on a journey to high reliability safety. In 2016, Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital received the Baldrige National Quality Award, and in 2017 and 2018 respectively, Memorial Hermann&#8217;s Katy Hospital and Memorial City Medical Center received the Texas Award for Performance Excellence, which is based on the Baldrige Award criteria.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Dr. Shabot is an adjunct professor at the UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics and UTHealth School of Public Health. He also serves on the Board Quality Committee of the Mercy System, St. Louis. Prior to joining Memorial Hermann, he was employed in multiple roles at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles. He is co-author of the book Integrating Quality and Strategy in Health Care Organizations, published in August 2012.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Dr. Shabot received his medical degree from The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He is board certified in general surgery and surgery critical care. </div><div>&nbsp;</div>
    Read more about M. Michael Shabot, MD
    About M. Michael Shabot, MD
    Founding Partner
    Relia Healthcare Advisors
  • Harjot Singh, MD


    <p>Harjot Singh, MD, is an advisor who creates programs that help leaders make their leadership work. He sees his work like how Yoda helped Luke in &#8220;Star Wars&#8221; discover his potential like a powerful Jedi warrior he would become, and not the farm boy he was or the starfighter he wanted to be. He is a practicing physician, chief of telepsychiatry service at Kingsview Behavioral Health and faculty at American College of Healthcare Executives. His work is informed by all three of those perspectives. Since 2016, he has coached and trained physicians and leaders on topics such as engagement, influence, productivity, turnover, burnout, public speaking and career advancement. He is a nationally recognized conference speaker, and he has written several articles for national publications and textbook chapters.</p> <p>Dr. Singh serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars: </p><ul> <li>Professional Burnout in Healthcare: Lead Your Organization to Wellness&nbsp;</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p>
    Read more about Harjot Singh, MD
    About Harjot Singh, MD
    Leadership Advisor- Speaker, Coach, Trainer
  • William F. Vanaskie, LFACHE


    <div>Bill Vanaskie most recently served as the executive vice president and COO of Maricopa Integrated Health System, Phoenix, the largest public hospital and academic medical center in Arizona. His prior assignments include Parkland Health and Hospital System, the Guthrie Healthcare System and St. Francis Regional Medical Center in Wichita. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, and holds master&#8217;s degrees in engineering and construction management from the University of Colorado, and an MBA from Bucknell University.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Mr. Vanaskie serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Service Line Management: The Next Generation&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about William F. Vanaskie, LFACHE
    About William F. Vanaskie, LFACHE
  • Brian D. Wong, MD


    <div>Brian Wong is a physician, healthcare author, consultant and CEO of The Bedside Trust in Seattle. As an authority on improving the patient experience, safety and culture, leaders rely on Dr. Wong to take the guesswork out of building and maintaining a patient centered organization. To build performance capacity and deliver high-value care, organizations require a true cultural strategy. Dr. Wong applies comprehensive patient-accountable culture assessments, physician, leader and staff tools to align clinical teams and systems around what matters most to patients.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Dr. Wong serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Culture: The Force Behind Strategy&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about Brian D. Wong, MD
    About Brian D. Wong, MD
    The Bedside Trust
  • Leslie S. Zun, MD


    <div>Leslie Zun is medical director, Lake County Health Department, Waukegan, Ill. He is also chairman/professor, department of emergency medicine, with a secondary appointment in the department of psychiatry, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science's Chicago Medical School, North Chicago, Ill. He is chief editor of the textbook Behavioral Emergencies for Healthcare Providers and course director for the past nine years for the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry's Annual National Update on Behavioral Emergencies conference. Prior to his current role, Dr. Zun was past president of the AAEP and a board member of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine. He has also presented his research and lectured on behavioral emergency topics both nationally and internationally.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Dr. Zun serves as faculty for the following ACHE seminars:</div><div><ul><li>Behavioral Health Challenges, Strategies and Solutions: The Business Case for Meeting Community Needs&nbsp;</li></ul></div>
    Read more about Leslie S. Zun, MD
    About Leslie S. Zun, MD
    Medical Director
    Lake County Health Department