The Tracks We Leave: Ethics in Healthcare Management

Frankie Perry, RN, LFACHE

ISBN: 9781567931679
Softbound, 2002
Order Code: 1137
  • Non Member Price: $71.00

Book Description

A new edition of this title was published in October 2013. Request an exam copy of the new edition.

Amid the turmoil of constant change, healthcare executives frequently find themselves in situations where the ethical "rules" may be unclear. Rarely is there a single ethical issue to resolve. More often, numerous intertwined issues with many stakeholders interested in the outcome clamor for attention.

The Tracks We Leave: Ethics in Healthcare Management provides guidance to executives dealing with the competing values and moral conflicts inherent in healthcare. The book uses cases, discussion, and essays to bring to life debates on issues surrounding medical errors, whistle blowing, sexual harassment and gender discrimination, patient safety, workforce reduction, and personnel management.

What Readers Are Saying

"We will be known forever by the tracks we leave."

Frankie Perry has succeeded in creating an ethics book that is practical, pragmatic, and thought provoking. This is real-life tied together with solid contributions to our literature to help all of us improve our perspective on ethical situations.

—Stuart A. Wesbury, Jr., PhD, LFACHE

This book is a must-read for healthcare executives and will prove a valuable teaching tool for graduate programs. By persistently bringing you back to the basics, The Tracks We Leave reduces the ambiguous ethical issues of healthcare management to an understandable level. The contributions gathered in these pages provide valuable models of proper executive behavior in today's healthcare environment.

—Mark Howard, FACHE, President/CEO MountainView Hospital

Frankie Perry has taken advantage of her years of experience by authoring a set of important cases for healthcare managers. These cases, and the thoughtful discussions that accompany them, go far beyond the standard bioethical issues to not only reveal where real tensions arise in the organizations themselves, but how to deal with them.

—John R. Griffith, Andrew Pattullo Collegiate Professor University of Michigan School of Public Health