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Contracting in a Managed Care Environment: Market-Based Approaches

Robert Bonney, JD, LFACHE Robert J. Smith

ISBN: 9781567931693
Softbound, 2001
Order Code: 1139
ACHE Management
  • Non Member Price: $18.00

Book Description

Managed care contracting has become a key marketing challenge. The matter of managed care raises the most basic, crucial marketing questions such as: what are your organizations core services?, how will we deliver those services?, and how will we price those services?

Contracting in a Managed Care Environment: Market-Based Approaches offers practical advice on how to tackle the tactical, operational, financial, and actuarial issues surrounding managed care.

Topics discussed include: ยท
  • Developing a managed care strategy
  • Determining pricing options
  • Allocating funds and risk
  • Negotiating effective contracts
  • Establishing the necessary infrastructure