Marketing Matters: A Guide for Healthcare Executives

Richard K. Thomas, PhD Michael A. Calhoun

ISBN: 9781567932768
Softbound, 168pp, 2007
Order Code: 2084I
ACHE Management
  • Member Price: $53.90
  • Non Member Price: $77.00
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Book Description

Marketing is more than a television ad for a new birthing center or press coverage of a health fair. Marketing is reputation management. Marketing has become increasingly important to all healthcare managers, not just marketers, and only senior management can ensure that any marketing plan faithfully reflects the organization’s image and strategic thrust.

This book explains what marketing is, what it can contribute to your organization, how it is done, and how it is measured. This straightforward guide will help you become a better marketer—not in the sense of developing marketing campaigns but using marketing to shape and control your organization’s reputation.

Topics covered include:

  • The marketing process
  • The senior manager’s role in marketing
  • Marketing research and planning
  • The dollars and sense of marketing
  • Market positioning and strategy development
  • The promotional toolbox
  • The changing marketing paradigm
  • Measuring the effectiveness of marketing
  • What Readers Are Saying

    “Marketing Matters: A Guide for Healthcare Executives, does an outstanding job of explaining all aspects of an effective marketing program. [The authors] clearly review the value of marketing, explain how that value can be measured, and demonstrate how marketing can be used to enhance the performance of a healthcare organization.”

    —Maurice Elliott, CEO Emeritus, Methodist Healthcare