Special Topics

This includes ACHE reports on special topics such as executives transitioning from the military into civilian healthcare management positions.


Examining the Transition From Military Careers to Civilian Careers in Healthcare Management: A 2009 Survey (PDF)
This is a 2009 study of how military members have  transitioned to positions in the civilian sector.

The Prevalence and Impact of Disability Among Healthcare Executives: 2006
 ACHE, in collaboration with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, sought to determine the extent of disability among ACHE members and the impact of disability on their careers. A four-page survey was sent in fall 2005 to a random sample of ACHE members to help answer this question. This supplement to “The Prevalence and Impact of Disability Among Healthcare Executives (PDF),” published in the November/December 2006 issue of Healthcare Executive, shares information about the survey and detailed results.