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The CEO-CIO Partnership: Harnessing the Value of Information Technology in Healthcare

Detlev H. Smaltz, PhD, LFACHE Richard I. Skinner John P. Glaser, PhD

ISBN: 9780972537193
Softbound, 166pp, 2005
Order Code: 0030
Distributed (Non-HAP)

Book Description

Written and edited by CEOs and CIOs, this book effectively communicates how the two types of executives can best work together to harness the value of information technology.

You will learn how to:
  • Develop effective IT governance
  • Bridge the communications gap between CEOs and CIOs
  • Formulate IT strategic alignment
  • Increase the return on IT investment
  • Assess your organization’s IT performance
  • Build a knowledge-enabled organization
  • Consider centralization versus decentralization of IT

Benefit from roundtable discussions with CEOs and CIOs on the importance of establishing an effective working relationship between the two groups.