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Thinking Forward: Six Strategies for Highly Successful Organizations

John R. Griffith, LFACHE Kenneth R. White, PhD, APRN, FACHE Patricia A. Cahill

ISBN: 9781567932096
Softbound, 266pp, 2003
Order Code: 1195
ACHE Management

Book Description

Improve operations in the areas that have the greatest impact on care cost and outcomes. This book describes best practices in six critical areas of hospital operations—governance, service lines, complex case management, prevention, support services, and service excellence—by using examples from hospitals within the highly respected Catholic Health Initiatives system.

The authors describe the path each of the featured hospitals took to achieve their various successes, and how CHI will implement those leading practices across its whole system. The authors discuss potential pitfalls, and how other systems and freestanding organizations can learn from their experience.

What Readers Are Saying

"Every CEO seeking performance improvement for his or her organization can learn from the experience of CHI and the insights of the authors. The approach offered in the CHI case studies is practical and challenges healthcare systems and hospitals alike to seek a higher level to better serve their communities."

—David J. Campbell, FACHE, president and CEO St. Vincent's Catholic Medical Centers, New York, New York