Retired Status or Life Status


  • Retired Status—Retired status is available to current Members and Fellows who are retired.* Retired status allows for continuation of all rights and privileges of ACHE membership (except serving as an elected official) at a reduced rate of $75 annually**. Apply Online or Download an application.
  • Life Status—Life status is available to current Fellows who are retired* and who have 25 years of combined membership at the Member, Fellow and/or Retired level. With Life Status, you can add LFACHE after your name to reflect your long time support of ACHE. You are entitled to all rights and privileges of ACHE membership (except serving as an elected official). As a token of our appreciation for your longtime membership, you will receive a complimentary subscription to Healthcare Executive magazine. If you prefer not to receive other mailings, such as the journal of your choice and other publications, you can continue your membership at no charge. However, you can receive ACHE mailings for a $75 annual fee**. Apply Online or Download an application.

Already a Life Fellow?

Renew Your Status


 *If you are semi-retired, you must be working less than three days per week.
**Upon approval, you will receive an invoice for the amount indicated.

Are you still unsure? Contact ACHE's Customer Service Center at (312) 424-9400 or