One Million Campaign

Help us pave the way to a bolder, brighter future for our field


Cultivating leaders who care about equity is at the heart of ACHE’s mission to advance healthcare leadership excellence. To meet the increasingly diverse needs of patients and communities and improve health outcomes, it is critical to help build an inclusive pipeline of talented future healthcare leaders. ACHE, together with its members and their organizations, are well positioned to drive this transformative change.

Delvecchio Finley

Each year, ACHE turns away hundreds of scholarship applicants—diverse and under-represented individuals from every corner of the healthcare sector —due to a lack of funding for scholarships to support these programs.

These scholarships are instrumental in helping applicants acquire the skills and training needed to advance to senior level leadership opportunities.


ACHE is on a bold mission to raise $1 million for the Fund for Healthcare Leadership by March 2025. Scholarships from the Fund help diverse, talented individuals acquire the skills and training they need to forge a career path in healthcare leadership.

William Santulli

The Fund supports participation in ACHE’s Career Accelerator Program, the Executive Program and the Thomas C. Dolan Diversity in Executive Leadership Program, as well as additional educational opportunities presented during the year.

Your support matters! Without donor funding, these programs cannot exist. The need is greater than ever.

Please consider a personal gift to the Fund and/or one from your organization.

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With your help, we can create a bolder and brighter future in healthcare.

For more information or to discuss gift and pledge options, contact ACHE’s Timothy R. Tlusty, vice president, Development, at